Dr Laura Clarke

Director of Allied Health

Dr Laura Clarke is the esteemed Director of Allied Health at Joint Vision Orthopaedic Group. With 20 years of experience as a Sport and Exercise Physiotherapist, she has worked extensively both domestically and internationally in high-performance sports, including swimming, rugby 7s, water polo, soccer, AFL, and paralympic sports.

Dr Clarke held the coveted position of post-graduate scholar at the Australian Institute of Sport in 2008. She completed her PhD in 2020, focusing on the risk factors for shoulder injury in Australian Rules football.

In addition to her clinical work, Dr Clarke serves as a clinical educator in anatomy at the University of Wollongong and the University of Western Sydney.

Recent Publications

Conference Presentations

Australian Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, Perth 2024

  • Medium to long-term outcomes on the comparison between injection therapy (botulinum toxin) and percutaneous endoscopic plantar fascia release 

  • Beyond the X-ray: Patient perspectives on fourth-generation minimally invasive hallux valgus surgery 

Australian Orthopaedic Association, Brisbane 2024 

  • Are patients satisfied with an integrative multidisciplinary care approach? 

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Congress, Ōtautahi Christchurch 2024 

  • Patient-reported and radiographic outcomes post novel fourth-generation percutaneous bunionectomy

  • Patient satisfaction with an integrative multidisciplinary model of care

World Congress of Science in Football, Melbourne 2019 

  • Does lifestyle or training load increase the risk of in-season injury in community AFL?

Sports Medicine Australia Conference, Perth 2018 

  • Video analysis of shoulder injuries in Australian football

International Olympic Committee Injury Prevention Conference, Monaco ‘17 

  • The feasibility of automated injury surveillance 

  • Shoulder injury mechanisms in AFL 

Australian Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography Symposium, Brisbane 2016 

  • Functional shoulder testing for shoulder ultrasound imaging

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